What is biodynamic farming?
Biodynamic farming is a practice of farming that focuses on strengthening the local environment and soil. It utilizes less inputs than normal monoculture farms, such as less to no herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, soil, organic matter and more. It instead relies on the sustainable practices that create a cycle of regenerating the soil, preventing weeds and bugs from affecting yields, and recycling other products from livestock. On this page we will dive into different concepts that build the foundation of biodynamic farming and show you how you can implement these ideas into your own backyard.
Ideas worth mentioning
Companion planting
Reusing animal waste
no tilling
Planting trees
Crop Rotation
Directing irrigation/rain drainage into a pond
Mulching with fall leaves
Perennial Fruit Trees & Berry Bushes
Composting food waste
Burn weeds to deter pests
Plant perennial sages, mints, and other flowers to prevent pests.
Caring for a beehive
Companion planting can benefit the development and hardiness of vegetable plants that you are trying to grow and harvest from. By companion planting the right plants with each other, you’ll be able to achieve garden designs that produce more fruit, experience less weeds, & regenerates your soil.
Examples: Tomato & Basil: Basil repels certain insects preventing diseases in tomatoes
Potato and Garlic: aphids hate garlic. By preventing aphids your crops will have a much more robust vegetative stage.
Fall leafy greens and Nasturtium: Nasturtium is a flowering vine that caterpillars love to eat, by planting Nasturtium outside your leafy greens you can protect them from targeting your vegetables.
Companion planting & bees